Monday, April 4, 2016

Reality of Business Critical Reports

Recently I had a few sessions conducting asessment across the Support team to understand their concerns and criticality of the support procedures. I threw in questions like what if the BI system were to decommision now, what they forsee that will trigger a huge impact? And to sum up all the conversations that took place, there are many reports supported but the most critical ones being the financial management reports that use the BI platform for business view mapping and data transformation. The usage of these reports had become an integral part of the support mechanism as every month end of financial report submission, there is already a process in place that involve both IT Support and business users in area of data validation and tracing, mapping upload and changes all the way to rectifying posting issues when there is discrepencies reported in BI report total sum value when compared to the operational reports. Hence the criticality and success of BI is actually largely supported by the ongoing process that involve both IT Suport and business that enable the usage of it to be an integral part of bau.